UNICON’s implementation of its IMPACT system for the Maricopa County (Arizona) Air Quality Department has enabled the Department to win two 2021 achievement awards from the National Association of Counties.

UNICON began its project with the County’s Air Quality Department in 2018 to implement the IMPACT (Inventory, Monitoring, Permitting, and Compliance Tracking) system. The project included a wide range of services including analysis of existing business systems and practices, enhancements to the IMPACT software, integration with the US EPA’s Shared CROMERR Services, migration of data from legacy databases, creation of a new public portal for dust and open burn permits, integration with the County’s GIS and e-Payment systems, user training, and supply of system documentation. The project team rolled out the system in phases, including a successful transition from an on-premises computing environment to an environment in the Microsoft Azure cloud. The County successfully retired their legacy systems according to the project schedule.

The IMPACT system enabled Maricopa County to win two 2021 achievement awards from the National Association of Counties. The first award is in for “Consolidation of Multiple Databases into a Single System” in the Information Technology category and the second is for “Online Emissions Inventory Submittals” in the County Administration and Management category. The County has highlighted these achievements on their website – https://www.maricopa.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?aid=2324


Consolidation of Multiple Databases into a Single System – https://explorer.naco.org/cf_naco/cffiles_web/awards/Award_program.cfm?SEARCHID=F70CAC

Online Emissions Inventory Submittals – https://explorer.naco.org/cf_naco/cffiles_web/awards/Award_program.cfm?SEARCHID=9C29B7